How To OPEN and CLOSE the Patent-Pending SMART VALVE from STYLESEAL (Video)
An instructional video on how to OPEN and CLOSE the Patent Pending SMART VALVE from STYLESEAL.
An instructional video on how to OPEN and CLOSE the Patent Pending SMART VALVE from STYLESEAL.
An instructional video on how to install SMARTvVALVE Ready Filters in STYLESEAL PRO Masks with the patent-pending SMART VALVE.
A STYLESEAL instructional video set in a Bangkok park that provides a good example of the application of the patent-pending SMART VALVE from STYLESEAL. Where to use it, when to OPEN the valve so you are more comfortable and healthy,…
An instructional video explaining how to install the STYLESEAL patent pending SMART VALVE on a STYLESEAL EZ-95 disposable mask. The video also shows how to remove the valve from the current mask and move to a new EZ-95.